The 10 web design trends to watch in 2019

5 minutes

2019 is finally here! And with the new year, new digital trends from a constantly evolving industry. If you take a moment to think back to the last few months and your experience on the web, you will probably be able to think of a few sites that have impressed you with their user-friendly interface and attractive layout. The same goes for websites where you've had a terrible user experience.

In today's digital world, incredible user experiences and creative site design aren't uncommon — they're even wanted. So we've listed the trends that we think will have a major impact on the world of web design this year. One trend you'll notice throughout this article is the fact that designers are using motion and video capabilities to draw users' attention and keep visitors on the page longer.

The carousel in reception less and less used

We have already seen the change that is beginning to take place in the home pages for some time. Although it has never been recommended to include more than three images, carousel has been very popular in recent years, especially for sites that require monthly promotions to be displayed. Now that it's clear that a small percentage of users are aware of the content of a carousel, designers have changed their strategy in order to get your potential customers to convert more quickly.

You will therefore be able to notice the appearance of the “split-screen” design on your screens. This type of design will allow you to have a stronger message and to qualify your user from the first seconds of interacting with your site.

Whether the screen is completely divided in two or not, we are increasingly seeing the use of the double call to action. So there you go, two images of your carousel visible at first glance!

Micro-animations, more present than ever

Whether with a change in color or shape when hovering over a button, from the movement of images to the scrolling of the screen or the fluid opening of a window, micro-animations have become an essential trend in web design.

Today, it is necessary to show the user that they are taking action, in particular to facilitate their navigation, attract their attention and guide them along the way. By improving the experience of your users in this way, you will also increase your conversion rate.

Multiplying the micro-interactions of your site will improve the engagement of your users, but as with all good things, moderation is required. Too many micro-animations could damage the user experience by diverting it from what's essential.

Before long, sites that do not incorporate micro-interactions will seem outdated to Internet users. And that is certainly not your aim.

The mobile menu takes control

The sites are now designed directly for use on mobile screens, so it is not surprising to see more and more “hamburger” menus appear on our computer screens.

Over time, users have gotten used to this type of menu, which now allows designers to simplify the top-level menu or simply provide users with a better overview.

In the example below, the menu simply opens on the side, allowing you to clear the space at the top and allows you to quickly guide the user's first action. Does he want to know more about you or how you can help him reach his goal?

In the same vein, the menu below opens full width to give a complete overview of the site's content and even allows quick access to products.

This is how mobile menus move quietly to our computer screens and mobile menus move downwards. They thus respond to the usual use of smart phones and to our habit of navigating with one hand with our thumb.

Still inconceivable a few years ago, one of the trends that will be used more and more this year will undoubtedly be horizontal scrolling. Imported from mobile applications, this concept is gradually taking its place on the web.

Chatbots are essential

Having been present for several years already, chatbots are really taking over the premises in 2019.

This trend is explained in particular by technological advances in artificial intelligence making these conversational robots more intelligent and effective.

You will hardly be able to do without chatbots because they have become essential in customer relationships, humanizing the brand and facilitating exchanges with consumers. Salespeople, consultants or simple information carriers, chatbots can play a variety of roles.

But in concrete terms, what will they look like in 2019? Using bright colors will make your bot more visible on your web page and invite your visitors to chat. You will also need to create a mascot to humanize your bot and make it more friendly. Finally, even if it does not directly relate to web design, your bot must have a high level of customization to answer the questions that will be asked as best as possible.

Augmented reality is taking hold

Not too long ago, augmented reality still sounded like a futuristic concept that was out of our reach. Today, many companies use it in their e-commerce strategy in order to offer their users a unique experience. Indeed, augmented reality can easily be set up, because its use is possible on any device with a camera. Bonlook, a Montreal company, uses this principle to allow Internet users to test their pairs of glasses live.

As mentioned earlier in this article, the user experience in 2019 will be enriched by being increasingly focused on the interactivity that the user can have with your website or application.

Custom fonts

Since 2010, Google has offered a free font hosting service for the web. The site Google Fonts offers 877 fonts that have been downloaded over 19 million times in recent years. This tool was definitely a big advance for web typography, since previously, “safe for the web” fonts were limited to about Microsoft's 15 default fonts.

Around 10 years later, now that our lives and the way we do business are increasingly digital, typography is also finding ways to constantly renew itself. Recently, personalization tools have emerged. In particular, that of Prototypo which offers designers the chance to customize a font according to their needs and thus obtain a unique element for their website.

Typography is taking up more and more space in the world of web design. Whether they are geometric, vintage, handwritten or experimental, they are taking up more and more space, to enhance the image and affirm the messages of brands.

Solid colors take over gradients

Whether it's to focus on a particular product or service, or simply to simplify the layout, this year's minimalism brings with it the use of color blocks.

Over the past year, we have increasingly noticed this trend among agencies. There is a clear preference for sober, even monochrome brand images, in order to highlight the colors of their customers and therefore their achievements.

Little by little, we saw this change take place at distributor sites.

In the two examples below, different colors are used to highlight a particular product.

Indeed, expect this year to see more and more sites and applications with bold, bright and saturated colors, and to take a trip back in time, to the 80s with its explosive, pop, electric, electric, acidic and flashy shades.

The Shutterstock image bank team confirms this trend by identifying the three colors most likely to gain popularity this year, but also The most popular colors by country according to the number of downloads it recorded this year by color.

While not all of these colors necessarily apply to your needs, it is undeniable that the colors around us affect us on a daily basis and have an influence on our lives.

Asymmetry to the rescue of monotony

Here is a trend that is emerging with the desire of companies to differentiate themselves and stand out from their competitors. The asymmetry will add dynamism, style and allow your users to enjoy a richer and less monotonous experience.

Superposition of colors and textures, intertwined texts and images, unusual placements... These elements will allow you to think outside the box, but it will be important to do so in a planned and thoughtful manner. The challenge is in fact to successfully combine blocks of asymmetric elements together while creating a set that remains balanced, harmonious and legible.

High quality visual content

Authentic photographs

Choosing your photos and images should never be taken lightly. A personalized and carefully chosen visual will do without text, since it alone will communicate the authenticity of your company or product.

To ensure you have unique and quality content, we advise you to collaborate with a photographer. You will then become an exclusivity in your sector of activity.

The use of video

In recent years, we've realized that users are reading less and less. That doesn't mean your content is less important, but it's not surprising to see video popularity soar.

What's new is Google's move to mixed search results, offering video content that's better than standard web pages. This has led businesses to prioritize video production in order to make it easier for them to find and offer content that is more effective and easier to share.

Additionally, using video will create a memorable user experience. In a few seconds, a video will reveal the personality of your brand and immerse your visitors in your universe.

Since the average attention time of your users is very short, around 7 or 8 seconds, this is the time you have to capture the attention of your visitors. However, sites that incorporate video in the background see their conversion rate increase by 15%. If your visitors stay on your site longer, it will reduce the bounce rate, which at the same time contributes to improving your SEO.

Illustrations in the spotlight

In the same vein as the previous point, we have seen an increase in personalized illustrations on the web. Although the “flat design” style is still very present in these illustrations, we notice a great use of organic and fluid shapes.

In conclusion

So here's what concludes the list of our predictions for 2019. While we can imagine some of what's in store for us in 2019, we can't wait to see what surprises this year will bring.

Are you planning to revisit your site this year? Do not hesitate to consult our achievements and to contact our team for a free quote!

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