Surely your own experience proves to you that we live in a social world. Every day, you communicate in real time with people from all over the world.
Since social media plays a significant role, a large majority of marketing experts predicted the end of email.
Does this herald the end of email marketing?
In our opinion, no. Email marketing is still up to date. For example, DigitalMarketer generated over 20 million in revenue from email marketing alone.
Regardless of rumours, email is not yet obsolete and if you know how to use it, it will allow you to increase your audience exponentially.
So let's look at the basics of email marketing, as well as strategies, statistical indicators, jargon to know, and which members of your team can be qualified to do email marketing.
First, let's look at the place email plays in a growing business.
The role of email marketing
Email marketing is a multi-functional tool. It can be used for branding, engagement, acquisition, acquisition, retention, sales, activation, or to obtain referrals or generate traffic.
Understanding why we use email marketing is critical. What is interesting is neither for profit nor for growth directly.
Of course, the end goal of email marketing is both profit and growth, but the specific purpose of every email is to take the consumer from one stage to the next in their journey.
Let's talk about the “customer journey.”
Think of it as a journey that your customers will take when they learn more about you. On the lower left corner, they will start to notice you, but when they get to the upper right corner, they know you and tell those around them about how you improved their lives. Email marketing seeks to move customers from one box to the next.
This circuit, ranging from becoming aware of your existence, through conversion and going to referral, is the desired customer journey. As the customer progresses through this circuit, their value also increases, bringing benefits and stability to your business.
Email allows you to help your customer through this journey, if you understand the methods that work.
Well-done email marketing methods
Email marketing is more than just sending an email to your entire database every time you put a new item online or launch a new promotion.
Mastering email marketing requires an understanding of the different email categories you're going to use, how to plan them, and the different strategies you're going to use to connect with your subscribers.
The types of emails you'll use in email marketing
There are three main types of emails you can use as an email marketer.
- Transactional — to offer a service or inform a customer.
- Relational — to engage subscribers and keep in touch with them.
- Promotional — to create sales.
Each type of email provides a different interaction with your subscribers.Email type 1: transactional emailsThese are emails that are sent automatically, confirming the actions taken by your potential customers and current customers.The majority of transactional emails are templates offered by the marketing systems we use. Note that the average revenue generated by a transactional email is 2 to 5 times higher than that of standard emails. Here are the 8 subtypes of transactional emails that you can use, as well as tips to increase their effectiveness:1- Order confirmationThe opening rate of order confirmation emails is the highest compared to other types of emails. Come to think about it, this is because your recipient has just gotten you money and wants more information about their purchase.The majority of brands prefer not to optimize this type of email to develop growth. However, here's what Amazon does:

This email allows you to validate the purchase, determine the expectations and close the transaction. The customer is satisfied with their purchase, which means that this is the right time to suggest an additional offer or ask for a reference.
2- Purchase receipts
Receiving emails as well as confirmation emails have a high open rate, they are however less used to develop growth.
Why not leave an offer there as well?
3- Delivery alerts
Emails about product delivery are well received by consumers. They inform them that their order has been shipped and when it will be delivered.
This type of email generally has no impact on the customer journey.
However, this email allows you to remind the customer of their purchase and to give them joy in the upcoming shipment. What could you add to take advantage of this enthusiasm? Could you suggest that she tell her friends about it? To share on social networks?
4- The creation of accounts
This email appears when the customer creates an account for new purchases.
As is the case for the majority of transactional emails, this type of email is very little used. However, being part of a closed group is like receiving a gift. Your customers are excited and happy. Why not ask them to do something, to share their enthusiasm with their friends on social networks?
5- Return confirmation
When you sell physical products and receive a request to return a product, it is a great opportunity to offer them an offer or offer them a coupon. Even if the customer is not happy with the product and makes a return, they can be happy with the quality of your customer service.
Your aim is to convince the customer again. It is possible to offer him another product that meets his expectations or a promotional coupon.
6- Support requests
As is the case with return emails, support request follow-up emails offer you the opportunity to earn more points. You'll have no trouble asking a customer who has received satisfactory support to share their experience or asking them to share their joy in exchange for a coupon.
7- Password reminders
In general, password reminder emails don't offer more than one link.
Why not take this opportunity to make an offer or to talk about a future event?
8- Unsubscription confirmations
This is a standard automated email. Isn't it possible to find an offer adapted to this type of email? What growth potential will this create for your business? What movement can you create in the customer journey?
This is the concept you need to develop in order to be successful at email marketing.
You can see that with these emails, you don't need to make major changes to get more results. It only takes a few adjustments to have significant impacts.
Think about the emails you're already sending. The majority are generated automatically by the system. That means they're nothing more than generic messages.
- What can you bring to these emails to integrate people into your customer journey?
- What can you do to make your subscribers become reference partners, representatives or promoters of your brand?
Email Type 2: Relationship Emails
Businesses that develop their prospects through email generate 50% more leads who are ready to buy with an acquisition cost that is 33% lower than average.
Here are the 8 subtypes of relational emails that you can use to have a positive impact on your business, whether digital or physical.
1- Welcome message to new subscribers
This type of email should be sent to each new subscriber. This message allows them to get to know your brand, show them what to expect, and what benefits they can get from being on your list.
2- Secure content delivery
Secure content is valuable information that cannot be accessed for free on the Internet. To access this information, you must “pay” using your email address or social account. Customer “lead magnets” and optional offers are generally free, in exchange for the visitor's email address.
This automated email offers the content that was requested, concluding the operation successfully. As with transactional email, there is enough space to creatively increase its value.
3- Newsletters/Blog post
Each time you create content, you should send an email to your subscriber list. These emails can be short and simple, they should introduce the subject and provide a link to access new content.
4- Confirmation of a webinar/event
This type of email is both relational and transactional. You asked someone to devote time to you and they put you on their agenda. He made a commitment to you and in return, you need to confirm that commitment.
It is the conventional part of this operation. You will need to confirm the date, time, and all the important details of your meeting by email.
The following 4 types of relationship emails are the least used. However, they can be of great use to allow you to contact your subscribers and to move them forward in the customer journey. You have:
5- Survey/Survey
Surveys allow you to know the interests of your customers. They also help you segment them so that you can adapt your offers according to their needs and interests.
6- Updates and news
Take the time to inform your subscribers about changes in your business or about your products. This will allow you to generate interest in your brand and prepare your consumers for changes.
7- Competition
Competitions create enthusiasm and allow new subscribers to be recruited. However, you need to make sure that your current subscribers are the first to know. After all, they are probably your most committed fans.
8- Request for reference
After each positive exchange with your subscribers, it is only natural to ask for a referral. Think of new buyers, a problem solved, or just send a nice word 🙂
Relational emails, regardless of why they were sent, should be primarily “human.” Their content should have value. Be sure to mention the next steps and encourage people to choose this option as soon as possible.
Email type 3: promotional emails
According to the Direct Marketing Association, 66% of consumers who made their online purchase were motivated by email marketing. Undoubtedly, promotional emails are an effective growth tool.
So let's discuss 8 types of promotional emails that you can send.
1- Promotional content
Promotional content is considered valuable by your audience and it allows you to trigger sales. This type of content should not be overused. It should be balanced with relational content to not insult subscribers and to keep them interested in your brand.
2- Content to download
The purpose of the content to be downloaded is to collect new emails. Users must register their email to receive uploaded content. On the other hand, why not also send it to your current subscribers in order to keep them engaged?
3- Flash sale
Sales announcements are more important than other types of emails. To increase sales over a short period of time, advertise a flash sale.
Carefully work on the subject line of your email announcing the sale to make sure it's open!
4- New product
Your goal as an email marketer is to support new subscribers on their journey and turn them into ambassadors for your brand.
So that they can promote your business and your products.
By informing them of your launches, they will feel closer to your brand and will be more likely to share your products with those around them.
You can also use these last 4 types of promotional emails to keep your subscribers up to date and support them on their journey.
5- Webinar ads
6- Event announcements
7- Trial offers
8- Upgrade offers
Now let's discuss the nuance between broadcast emails and automated emails.
When should each type of email be sent (and to whom)?
Email service providers allow you to send emails in two ways:
- Broadcast emails are sent to the whole list or to a segment of a list manually. They are effective for promotions and for content emails.
- Automated emails are scheduled in advance to be triggered when an action has been taken. The majority of your marketing emails (with the exception of promotions and content emails) should be automated.
Keep in mind that: just because you CAN doesn't mean YOU SHOULD send a message. You can send messages that are tailored to the interests and priorities of your subscribers without wasting time by automating your emails. It will be a success for you and your subscribers. Remember that the goal is to activate the customer journey. So you have to be careful not to include too many emails in each phase so as not to slow down the overall customer process. Moderation and sound quality are in order here! Trigger events to send a messageHere are the 8 most used trigger events in email automation.
1- The new subscriber
When someone subscribes, you would like to automatically welcome and persuade them in order to get a good first impression.
2- The request for a “lead magnet”
The majority of new subscribers will be on your list when they opt for a lead magnet. Automating the dispatch ensures that a response is received within minutes of the request.
Remember that a new subscriber will launch two automations at the same time: the subscriber welcome message and the lead magnet sending.
3- Registration for an event
When someone registers for an event, schedule a confirmation email, offering them all the details they need, such as the date, time, and all access data.
4- The purchase
It's the same process when someone makes a purchase, they would like to receive a confirmation of the success of their transaction. A purchase invoice is adapted for this purpose.
However, be aware that if the buyer is not yet a subscriber, their purchase may automatically start the subscriber welcome message.
5- Clicking on a link in a segmentation campaign
Segmentation is an effective method that allows you to personalize emails according to the needs of each subscriber. For example, their action when clicking on a link in an email can be exploited to launch a mobilization campaign. In this way, people who are not interested in the subject will not receive the campaign. Not only are people considering your content, but also your promotion.
6- Interest in your brand
Automating interest requests allows you to keep an eye on purchases as well as the actions of subscribers showing you that your brand is attracting their interests.
7- Abandoned shopping cart
Encouraging people to make a purchase when they are hesitant is one of the easiest ways to increase customer value. When someone adds products to their cart but doesn't decide to take action, a reminder email should be started.
8- Relaunch in case of inaction/reactivation
Reactivation is a way to wake up subscribers who have stopped communicating with you.
Each of the key actions taken by the subscriber should trigger an email that encourages them to progress in their journey.
Understanding email sync
Do you want your subscribers to be happy to receive your emails?
There are two possible approaches to achieving this goal: segmenting and synchronizing emails to match the customer journey.
Segmentation allows you to send emails to the people who are most likely to respond positively to a particular email, they allow for personalization. Nobody notices a promotion that doesn't meet their expectations. People prefer when the emails they receive are sent directly to them.
Synchronization is about understanding where your subscribers are on their customer journey. This allows you to send emails adapted to the stage where they are located.
The 5 steps of email marketing When you understand the stages of the customer journey, it will be easier for you to send the right message at the right time. Let's discuss the 5 stages of email marketing and which phases of the customer journey they correspond to.1- The persuasion campaignDefinition: an automated campaign is sent immediately after someone signs up with your brand to present you and manage their expectations.Customer journey stage: SubscribeUse this campaign to:
- 1- Welcome new subscribers
- 2- Talk to them about what they can expect.
- 3- Show them what they need to do next in order to benefit from the greatest advantages from you and your brand.
This campaign is sent to new subscribers to establish your authority, help them understand the benefits you will bring to them in order to motivate them and get them interested in you and your brand. If you know how to convince them, they will start to identify your name in their inbox and will be curious about the content of your emails.The scenario:Step 1: Start by welcoming new subscribers by presenting your brand to them.Step 2: Reaffirm in 3 to 4 points the advantages they can benefit from as a subscriber. (It's important. If you can't detail the benefits of subscribing to them, how can you expect them to want to know more about the benefits of buying from you?) Step 3: Show them what they can expect using this method: here's what we're going to do; here's what you need to do after we've done it.For example:
- Two to three times a week, we'll send you new digital marketing content and strategies. [Here's what we're going to do] When you get this email, read it and save it, because when you're looking for a strategy that works, you're going to be able to access this data. [Here's what you need to do after you do it.]
Step 4: Promote whitelisting by offering something like: The information we offer, even free information, is very important and it would be a shame if you did not receive it. So here's what I want you to do:
- Add this email address to the white list. [Insert link to details.]
- Create a folder where you can save all our emails.
- Do not archive them automatically. (Read and use them to grow your business!)
Step 5: Highlight your best asset. Send them the “best” of you, detailing what content your current subscribers subscribed to the most. For example:
- Your most shared content, whether it's a video or a blog post
- Your most commented Facebook post
- Some of the content that has been positively criticized
Make your persuasive emails feel like a first date with your new subscriber. Show up with your best assets, share your best experiences, and focus on building relationships with your new subscribers.2- The engagement campaignDefinition: An automated, interest-based campaign is sent after your subscriber makes a particular decision to offer (and sell) that's relevant to your subscriber.Customer journey stage: Convert and incentiveUse this campaign to:
- Convert subscribers into buyers by recommending actions to take
This campaign is aimed at subscribers who have just subscribed to your brand. For example, they might have visited a page or downloaded a lead magnet, but they didn't take the next step you suggested. The purpose of this campaign is to subscribe the subscriber, remind them of the positive action they've taken with you, and tell them what the next logical step they should take to make a purchase.The scenario:Step 1: Appreciate the action they've just taken Step 2: Try to master the criticism you know they're feeling. Don't limit yourself to talking about tactical features and technical features. Talk about the concerns and emotions that are preventing them from making decisions.Step 3: State the next step to take, state it clearly.Step 4: Ask them to purchase.Email marketing is obviously about creating relationships with your subscribers. From the start, you should state your expectations about this relationship. Since in the end, you want to convert your subscribers into customers, you must ask them to buy without hesitation.3- The development campaignDefinition: an automated, interest-based campaign proposes an offer (and a sale) favorable to your subscriber immediately after their triggering behavior.Stage of the journey: Incite and DevelopUse this campaign to:
- Facilitate and accelerate the valuation process
- Convert new buyers into multiple buyers by telling them the next step to take (or by accompanying them until they are ready to take this action).
With the exception of the engagement campaign, this campaign is automated following an action taken by a subscriber, through a purchase in general. It presents the next step to take with your brand. In most cases, it fills the void in your process while improving your results.You may find that each additional offer is a stopping point where your customers can refuse and complete your process. This stage is designed to follow up on an offer, offer additional invitations to purchase, and to control the refusals of not wanting to buy.The scenario:Step 1: Start by referring to the action they just took. (Avoid talking about actions they didn't take: “We noticed you didn't buy our main product, so I'm presenting it to you again.”) Compliment them. Appreciate their enthusiasm. Build on that positive energy.Step 2: Speak up and master the rejections that may prevent them from taking the next step.Step 3: Clearly state the next step so they know what to do. Your goal is to convert one-time buyers into multiple buyers. To do this, you need to identify how important you are to them, remind them of the benefits they will gain, and develop their interest and excitement. However, before starting a sale right away, you should ask yourself these two important questions:
- QUESTION 1: What is the next step I want them to take?
- QUESTION 2: Is there reason to believe they are ready to take the next step?
These questions are very important because (believe it or not) and are not always that easy to answer! What do I mean by that? Your offer should be consistent with the relationship stage. If you move too fast or go too hard, your subscribers may feel awkward and will leave. If they don't feel ready to take the next step, don't insist. Support these subscribers until they feel ready, then launch your offer.4- The segmentation campaignDefinition: a manual promotional campaign is sent to your entire database in order to segment your subscribers according to their convenience.Customer journey stage: allUse this campaign to:
- To arouse the interest of subscribers who are already “at the heart” of the valorization process.
- Guide them to leave according to their current interests.
It is one of the email campaigns that is not automated and launched as a result of an action by a subscriber. Instead, you launch this promotion across your entire database (or on a large segment) in order to segment your subscribers according to their preferences.You want your subscribers to loudly and clearly say “Yes, I am interested in this subject.” And when they take this action, your mobilization campaign should be ready so that you can talk about it again with them.The objective is to send more emails to the people who are taking part. to your campaign and a few fewer emails to those who are less responsive to your campaign.This approach may seem impulsive, but it works because it proves that you are listening to them. And from our experience:
- If you listen to your subscribers, they're ready to spend more.
- If you listen to their expectations, they will be more responsive to your brand.
Segmentation campaign ideas:Idea 1: Use content to segment your list: blog posts, videos, or confidential content. Then, if someone is interested in this content by showing interest in the theme, send them an engagement campaign with promotional content focused on that theme.Idea 2: Use special offers: coupons, flash sales, or special promotions. These important and time-sensitive offers give people a good reason to take immediate action. This allows you to accelerate their valuation journey.Idea 3: Use events: webinars, demonstrations, workshops, or even individual phone calls. As they say, time is money. After committing time to attend an event, people are more likely to put their money into it.5- The re-engagement campaignDefinition: An automated campaign that is designed to re-engage any subscriber who has not viewed or clicked on an email in the last 30-60 days.Customer journey stage: AllUse this campaign to:
- Call inactive subscribers and ask them to resume communication through your emails.
- Get them interested in you and your brand again.
In concrete terms, not everyone will necessarily be interested in your emails. Wherever they are on the customer journey, your subscribers are likely to become inactive. What is the point? You're sending a re-engagement campaign designed to restore their interest and encourage them to see and click on your emails.The scenario:Step 1: Detect your inactive subscribers — anyone who hasn't clicked on an email in the past 30-60 days.Step 2: Give them a good reason to subscribe to your emails again. For example, you can take the direct approach and ask them if everything is going well:
- I noticed that you hadn't viewed or clicked on my emails and that I just wanted to ask you, “Is everything ok? ”
Step 3: Remind them what they can benefit from as a subscriber.Step 4: Tell them what they missed. Like what you do in a persuasion campaign, send them some of your best content. If this campaign is successful, you will have re-engaged your inactive subscribers and hopefully get them back on track.What if that doesn't work? Easy. Stop emailing them. Inactive subscribers only increase your costs and affect the quality of your broadcast. They are also the most likely to complain about your emails in their inbox, so there's no need to feel guilty. All you have to do is clean your subscriber list on a regular basis.Using these 5 types of campaigns to speed up the customer journeyThe 5 types of email campaigns that we have just seen will allow you to subscribe your subscribers at each stage of the journey. However, it's important to remember that your goal is more than just engaging people. Email marketing allows your subscribers to quickly move from one stage of the journey to the next. In general, this journey starts when someone notices your brand and chooses to subscribe. As soon as this case occurs, your missions consist in:
- Convert your new subscriber into a customer.
- Have fun with the brand.
- Improve their experience by making them buy more value-added products.
- Make them your representative.
- Convert him into a promoter.
The 5 campaigns we reviewed will allow you to achieve each of these goals and quickly convert new subscribers into active promoters.Statistics: How to measure email marketingSending the right emails to the right people at the right time is an important aspect of email marketing. In order to maximize your efforts, it is imperative to also measure your results.
Here are the most effective performance indicators that will allow you to better manage your email marketing.
Growth data
For this evaluation, you want to have the number of new subscribers compared to the number of unsubscribes. As you might expect, you would like the ratio to be positive.
The delivery rate
This is the percentage of messages sent to the recipient's inbox compared to the number of emails sent. Aim for a delivery rate of over 95%.
The opening rate
This is the percentage of messages viewed by the recipient compared to the number of emails sent.
Click-through rate (CTR)
The percentage of emails clicked, compared to the number of emails sent or, in some cases, compared to the number of emails opened by the recipient.
Unsubscribe rate
The percentage of emails that resulted in unsubscribing, compared to the number of emails sent.
Complaint rate
The percentage of emails marked as spam, compared to the number of emails sent.
TIP: You will have an increase in the delivery rate of your emails if there is an increase in your open rate and your click rates and at the same time a reduction in your unsubscribe rates.
That's why we support segmented email campaigns aimed at people at a particular stage in the valorization journey. Our email marketing method is strategically designed to motivate visits and clicks while reducing unsubscribes.
The jargons
What are the jargons you need to know as an email marketer?
The customer journey
It is also known as the valorization process. The development of a relationship with a perspective that leads them on the path to getting to know your business, your products and your brand.
Broadcast email
This is an email sent to all subscribers, to the email, or to a portion of your list of subscribers.
Automated email
An email sent automatically when a customer or a prospect performs a particular action. For example, a suitable offer can be sent to a person who has filled out a form.
Promotional calendar
These are 30-day and 90-day calendars including the planning of email campaigns that will move a customer step by step through the customer journey.
Storyboarding email
The process of planning the structure, schedule, and content of an email campaign.
Relevant roles
Who in your organization should be trained in email marketing?
Three different departments should be qualified and understand the role of email.
Every marketing professional should know how to take advantage of email marketing in order to improve potential customers. To be more specific, it's your monetization team in particular.
It is one of the most effective ways to create trade.
Your editorial team will look to email to share the content they create and add value to subscribers on an ongoing basis.
In short
Email marketing can provide the best return on investment of all marketing activities. However, the majority of businesses don't pay too much attention to it (or completely ignore it).
Email is infallible when you match it with your content and advertising campaigns in order to guide your new subscribers, maintain relationships, and move them quickly through the customer journey.
Mastering the techniques we've discussed in this chapter may take a bit longer than you might expect, but it's well worth it. Email marketing will improve growth, unlike any other strategy.